Learning how to overcome insecurity can be a fascinating and rewarding journey.
How to overcome insecurity is a skill that can be acquired. It doesn't have to involve only will power or habit change. The journey to a more secure sense of being can be incredibly insightful and rewarding. Perhaps all that is needed is honesty and a willingness to face the unpleasant or decidedly painful realities about ourselves. If one is open to exploring inner space ardently, the metamorhosis of insecurity can bring with it, an immense mental expanse that gifts tolerance, #flexibility and harmony, no matter what unfolds in our lives. It is important to point out that being secure doesn't make strife and suffering disappear, rather it enables one to negotiate difficulty with agility and grace.
Method I: Know that the thought, feeling. sensation or circumstance that causes incompleteness won't last.
No matter how insecure you feel, rest assured that that will change!In learning how to overcome insecurity the realization that nothing lasts is better than having just that knowledge however. In attempting to overcome insecurity, look back first into your own life and see that no state or happenstance was ever permanent. To put it even more starkly, everything ends. Troubles, joys, careers, relationships, wealth, health....everything! So why expend energy in trying to distance yourself from discomfort? No matter how bad it is, it will cease. Strangely, the realization that everythings ends brings with it a lot of peace, principally if you learn to willingly embrace your own finitude and see the preciousness of whatever you have at your disposal. This is not limiting but freeing instead, especially if you couple this mindset with method II. Every moment becomes important, and the struggle to ward of pain and discomfort wanes and is replaced by acceptance ( not resignation!) and gratitude and wonder.
Method II: Connect with what is most important and most meaningful to you.
If you are clear about what it is that gives your life meaning, the motivation to act in service of that meaning will come on its own. Connecting with deeply held #values, for oneself, for others and for the world is an exercise you should attempt as often as you can. Often, we spend all our time and effort in pointless and merely ornamental activities that do nothing to take us in the direction of what we find most meaningful. Every once in a while, pause, and ask yourself if what you are doing is really important and in service of your values. In learning how to overcome insecurity, connecting with values and meaning is vital. The awareness of what you should be heading towards provides the fuel to take commited action, no matter how you are, what you are going through and how you think and feel. Even if you fall prey to insecurity and doubt, connecting with your life's meaning will propel you to keep going despite hardship and will help in creating a sense of joy when you are able to take concete action towards what is most important. That is true security!
Method III: Learn to look at your mind.
This is a practice that can be learnt and refined and can be remarkably powerful in eliminating insecurity. This is mostly a contemplative practice that can be very revealing and alerting. The #mind is everything. Your insecurity as well as your strength and security are of your mind. Take some distraction free time to question this mind. Where is it? What is it? Are the objects that you perceive in your mind, or separate from it? Where is the thought, feeling or sensation that causes you distress located? Try and spend time with these questions. Piercingly, searchingly and relentlessly look! Does the distressful thought have any shape, or colour or form? Is it separate from the awareness that is looking at it? If this practice is taken seriously and you devote regular time to it, this practice alone can keep away all your insecurities. The moment you start feeling insecure, with practice, you automatically start looking at these questions and into your mind and distress reduces, replaced by attention and alertness and an inexpressible sense of clarity.
In learning how to overcome insecurity, we also learn how to constructively face distress and open up to the possibility that struggle isn't inevitable. Nothing lasts, and if we are willing to see that every moment and every occurence can be a reminder to connect with what we value and to look into our minds, a sense of harmony and wellbeing can be lastingly ours!