ABOUT ME - Psychiatrist in South Delhi
If you happen to be looking for a psychiatrist in Delhi, you might not need to look further. My name is Swarajit and I have more than a decade of clinical and research experience in the field of mental health from countries like the USA, UK as well as from India. I can help you with the entire range of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and the like.
I am especially passionate about helping those with mental health issues generate the insight and the awareness to look honestly and steadfastly into their own lives and come up with ways to change their relationship with that which causes them distress and create joy and fulfillment despite pain.
As the only psychiatrist in Delhi who imparts contemplative psychotherapy, I am especially well placed to look into your life and design ways to help you shift perspective leading to greater ease and contentment.
I take great care in my own life to generate the mindset and conditions so that I can help you with the compassion and empathy that you are likely looking for. This care includes regular reflection, contemplation, study and meditation.
Drawing from my own experiences, I offer insight training which are a skillful blend of eastern wisdom traditions and modern psychological and medical science. I also hope that drsghosh.org will help you to be better placed to find what you are seeking. There are many psychiatrists in Delhi who can give you pills. Few however are able to combine techniques such as acupuncture or specialized psychotherapy to put you firmly on the road to recovery.

How I Can Help You
1 hr
1,500 Indian rupees1 hr
1,500 Indian rupees1 hr
1,000 Indian rupees
Meditation for Mental Illness
A large part of my work involves helping those with mental illness acquire the insight and the skills, not only to recover from illness but also create their own path towards fulfillment. Insight can arise with conventional treatment although practices such as meditation and contemplation are known to facilitate the generation of ability to shift perspective that when cultivated can immensely help to heal, change rigid patterns and find joy.
Meditation for anxiety and depression or meditation for schizophrenia cannot be taught by just any meditation instructor. In order to make contemplative practices a part of your life if you have mental illness, you need specialized guidance, and I can provide that. I have been studying and applying contemplative practice modalities for well over ten years now. I prefer the term contemplative practice and this term includes the practice of meditation for mental illness and healing. In addition, I am likely the only psychiatrist in Delhi who provides Buddhist psychotherapy.
You might find that the wisdom, insight and the contemplation of the principles of the wisdom traditions such as Buddhism can radically alter your perception and processing of that which causes you distress. Contemplative practices such as meditation and reflection can be of tremendous help in facilitating the ability to handle crises and difficulty.
Therapy, Contemplation and meditation for your needs
Practices such as contemplation and meditation are much misunderstood. And if you are battling disability or mental illness, you might be even more confused. In our sessions, we will spend considerable time in discussing and understanding what you are going through and how your condition has affected your life in designing the proper approach to therapy and contemplative or meditation practice. As a psychiatrist with extensive experience with contemplative practices, I am uniquely placed to design a practice that incorporates methods like meditation, breathwork, body-sensing and contemplative reflection alongside conventional medications and therapy.
Combining all these modalities offers a unique, effective and wholesome approach to recovery and healing and is offered by no one else in the Delhi area.
Cultivating qualities and faculties like attention, insight and learning are likely the only sure way to overcome or negotiate illness and distress. Understanding the nuances of illness as well as the approach are essential to be able to guide someone with illness into the path of well-being and ease. Also, if you are unfamiliar with the wisdom traditions like Buddhism but would like to incorporate them in your recovery journey I can help.
Do feel free to call for an informal discussion of how this approach might benefit you.